Sunday, August 31, 2008

Chapter Six - In Which Our Heroine Finds a New Training Tool

I have discovered a whole new kind of torture in my training travails: the Hash Run.

For those of you unaware of what a Hash Run is, kindly allow me to explain. A Hash Run combines two of my current favorite things: running and beer. In a Hash Run, the Hares set off to mark a trail that the rest of the Hashers have to follow to two specific points: the halfway point, where there's beer; and the On After, where there's beer. However, the Hares also tend to "fuck" Hashers by sending them off the right trail, which can lead to some frustration and a little bit of the dry heaves. All in all, you end up running approximately four miles and making approximately forty new friends.

So, I participated in such a run last night. It was kind of a kick in the ass, I'll admit, as today I feel as if I have been hit by a mack truck and then pummeled with a two by four. But I enjoyed it so much that I think I'm going back for more on Thursday. Until then, I've also decided to continue my training outdoors from now own. Stay tuned for more pain-induced rants.

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